Frequently Asked Questions?

Yes, we are a nonprofit organization. Your donations are tax deductible.

You can select “Other” and type in the amount you wish to donate?

Volunteers that work directly with the kids will be screened and vetted through interviews and police background checks.

Yes, although Ask Dad’s initial focus is to assist with the development of young boys, we will not refuse to assist parents with their daughters as well.

Yes, all communications between you and Ask Dad will remain confidential and anonymous.

To become a volunteer, provide Ask Dad with your contact information by completing the info sheet at the “Volunteer Tab“.

Ask Dad welcomes questions from anyone (parents, kids, educators, etc). We will do our best to provide you with an answer or direct you to the appropriate agency to handle your issue(s).

Our program focuses on bringing resources to institutions to promote men’s participation in the development of our children. Though we do not offer a mentoring program we are aligned with mentoring organization with which we can recommend.

You can send an email through our “Ask Dad Question” portal or call contact number on the site.

Though our program will have an impact on our community including girls, our direct focus is on our young boys.

Programs are targeted to occur at the requesting institution (School, YMCA, Boys and Girls Club, etc.)

In most cases, all questions will be answered within 48 hours of your submission.